Sunday, March 6, 2011

Building a Showman's Caravan Part 5

Now comes the task of creating the site specific details. I wanted a strange distillery-like contraption on the side of the Caravan that would be revealed during the Show, and I had been tinkering with motors and moving parts, so that it would be moving and chugging all the time.
Gadgets and whirly gigs for the Machine
 I had found many different antique items and decided to patina and age them so that they all matched when put together as one large unit.
close up of the aging process
Once I had the Machine blocked out, I then had to box it, so that it could be properly framed into the exterior of the Caravan.
The Machine boxed (there were more details to be added later)
This was alot of FUN to do and I really enjoyed creating the components and piecing it all together. 

Once the Machine was boxed, it was ready to be put in the frame built into the Caravan. We had built a support frame system right into the wall structure, knowing that this was going to be a major show piece once all was said and done.
Machine locked into place

Machine and walls coming together
 As we started to put the side walls on, we decided to create a Secret Time Capsule that would never really be seen inside of one of the walls. Both Ward and I wrote and drew a pic that was eventually going to be walled up into the Caravan.
Secret Time Capsule Area
Me pointing at Secret Time Capsule room for the last time.
 And finally, we put up the major wall on the side and framed the Machine.
The side finished and ready for paint and detail!!!
Machine with start of frame and some Caravan detail
This was a major hurtle, knowing now that we could start to diligently work on bringing the Caravan to life! With the walls in place, we could now focus on all of the details that make a Showman's Caravan so Amazing!

The Story continues in Part 6

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